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Continuous Audit Section

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Responsible for overseeing continuous audit testing and providing data analytics support to the Internal Audit Department (IAD) to ensure adherence to BSP and other regulatory requirements, as well as the bank's internal policies, procedures, and practices. This role may involve direct collaboration with other IAD departments and bank units, offering analytics support and guidance. Additionally, acts as a mentor, ensuring that the Continuous Auditor possesses the necessary expertise, a strong understanding of auditing procedures, and maintains the independence required for effective continuous audit testing and analytics support. Responsible for organizing the data gathered from continuous audit testing and analytics into comprehensive reports for the CQAD Head, CAE, and Audit Committee.


  • A bachelor's degree in Accounting, Audit, or a related business or computer field.
  • Preferably holds CPA, CIA, CFSA, or ECE certifications or has completed advanced audit or analytics-related training.
  • At least 2 years of relevant experience as an external auditor, internal auditor in a bank or financial institution, or data scientist.

Industry: Banking

Location: Alabang

Work set-up: Onsite

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